Thursday, February 18, 2021

Fears and Concerns

By all means it's totally out of character for me to use term's like fears and concerns I would normally say something like FEAR stands for False Evidence that Apears Real. If the hydro electric pump storage project goes in, the landscape of Cliffside will certainly be changed. The best we can hope for is they will stick to the original plan and keep it almost in its entirety underground. that would leave us with a lake directly under launch in part above the ground using the cliff and a build up area to create the huge lower reservoir. At this point there seems to be no way to secure a lower Landing zone. (That doesn't mean we will not have a place to land.) We will certainly be able to land in a some reduced area and out by the river. As the lower field will be use for equipment staging and temporary housing for the construction phase and then to my understanding maybe sold for industrial commercial use. There will be a large power control station at the east end of the reservoir along with additional high power tension lines. Now coming to my biggest concern as this project has changed hands in less than 3 Years and will certainly change again and the original cost of something like 2.4 billion dollars now coming in at a rumoured 4 billion dollars there is certainly going to be a huge push to cut cost. especially when you are looking at the lifespan of the project being a mere 80 years. it doesn't take much emagenation to think that down the line they would scrap plans of being concerned about conserving the landscape and run all there electrical and piping above ground to make the project affordable. ( Again I truly hope this to be entirely false.) The wind mills prove that there is no desire to uphold the natural landscape. This would definitely interfere with flying there as we know it. As of right now from what I can tell the project holds rights to about 50 feet of launch not a place we want big power lines. know that it is my greatest hope that these are all irrational fears and concerns. and even more so that this project in it's entirety fall to the way side and never manifest. Cliffside is a world class flying sight and in all reality our only east wind site. I will try to post more at a later date as things develop. For now this is my attempt to answer your questions. To get the full story scroll to the bottom click older post and read it all in succession if you are interested. thank you.

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